2015 Call for Entries
Twenty Ninth Annual InFocus Competition and Exhibition CALL FOR ENTRIES Angelos Hall, Columbia, CA 22760 Main Street, Columbia, CA 95310 Beginning with this 2015 annual exhibition, entries will be submitted electronically for the jurying process via the web-based competition management system, Smarter Entry. Only photos that are accepted for display through the jurying process will need to be framed and delivered for exhibition. Jurors – Joan Bobkoff, Kim Komenich, and Art Rogers The show will be juried from the web-based competition management system “Smarter Entry” to select the accepted works. Awards will be made by the jurors by viewing the accepted works after the entries have been received by InFocus. Accepted entries may be disqualified by the InFocus Committee or the judges if they fail to comply with framing rules or vary significantly from the electronic version of the photo. Categories Photographs will be judged in two categories: Monochrome and Color. Submissions of original works of photographic art may include but are not limited to classic photography and digitally enhanced photography. Awards Cash prizes, ribbons and merchandise will be awarded in each category: $300 for First Place, $200 for Second Place and $100 for Third Place. Additional ribbons will be awarded for Honorable Mention and Judge’s Choice. The Best of Show will receive $500, a ribbon and merchandise. The Charles Moore Excellence in Photography Award* winner will receive $250 and a trophy. A People’s Choice merchandise award will be presented at the end of the show to the photograph receiving the most votes by gallery viewers. Special awards this year will include several sponsor awards. Conditions of Entry
Entry Fees $30 for the first two images and $10 per image for each additional entry. IMPORTANT DATES
*The Charles Moore Excellence in Photography Award honors TCAA supporter and nationally renowned photographer, Charles Moore, for an image that is most inspirational in the spirit of Charles’ work – his 1960s Civil Rights work, and Mother Lode photography. This image may be selected from entries in any category. Sponsored by H. Randolph and Betty Holder. |